CSIR-NCL Skill Development Program

CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune is a science and knowledge based research, development and consulting organization and one of the premier chemical research laboratories in India under the flagship of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). CSIR-NCL has embarked on implementing “Skill India” mission of the Government of India and has initiated the CSIR’s Integrated Skill Initiative program by offering number of skill development and skill upgradation courses to the graduate and postgraduate un-employed youth in addition to the industry staffs and workers. The main aim of these courses is to create the high-quality skilled workforce relevant to current and emerging industry need in the S&T sector through training/skilling in diverse areas at different National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF). It further aims at promoting entrepreneurship through skilling, Training of Trainers and Incubation centre.



  • Equal prority to theory and practical sessions
  • Lectures, assisted with multimedia aids
  • Case studies
  • Group discussions/interactive sessions
  • Hands - on - practical experience
  • Brief on alternate career options


Evaluation will consist of the following components

  • Theory Courses
  • Written question paper
  • Student Participation to all sessions
  • Practical Courses
  • Video / Audio


A suitable course completion certificate will be issued to the successful candidates.
Duration of Course:min 1 week
Age: No age limit
Selection Procedure: First come first served basis
Email: ncl.sdtc@ncl.res.in

For Further details regarding Skill Development Courses offered by CSIR NCL please visit : CSIR NCL SDP WEBSITE