Commitment To Stakeholders


Stakeholders - Customers (Industry)

Goals of NCL important to stakeholders

Anticipated outcomes

  • Create new engines of growth in the Indian economy
  • Support existing engines of growth in the Indian economy
  • Provide highly trained S&T manpower
  • New products and processes; creation of new businesses Creation of Intellectual property
  • Improve existing products and processes
  • Provide high quality analytical support
  • Training and HRD
  • Ph.D. level education
  • Post M.Sc research training

Stakeholders - Customers (Society)

Goals of NCL important to stakeholders

Anticipated outcomes

  • Provide R & D solutions to fulfill the critical needs of the society, namely energy, food, water, health care and environment
  • Contribute to policy issues related to S & T planning and industry road maps
  • Create sustainable Resource Centres to address long term S & T needs of the country
  • Appropriate technological solutions with focus on delivery to the customer
  • Participation in national level committees, think tanks etc.
  • Creation of Resosurce Centres of national importance

Stakeholders - Employees

Goals of NCL important to stakeholders

  • Create an ambience and environment where both individual and team creativity is encouraged and nurtured
  • Empower scientists in decision making in areas relevant to their work
  • Involve the scientific staff in all aspects of management of the laboratory (participatory management)
  • Create a culture of responsiveness to the needs of the scientists amongst S&T support staff
  • Establish high standards of personal ethics, honesty and transparency in interpersonal relationship
  • Create systems and procedures conducive to the creative work of the scientist
  • Shun bureaucracy and reduce drudgery
  • Create channels of open communication amongst all personnel
  • Contribute to the welfare and happiness of the employees
  • Provide appropriate incentive and reward systems